Sunday, November 25, 2012

Flying Termites! Yum!

There is an interesting phenomenon this time of year in Zambia. After a big rain, the termites sprout wings and fly to any light source they find. They will sneak through any crack around a window or door and land in your food or the sink or on the floor.  If you manage to keep them outside with a strong porch light, it will be hard to get in or out without getting them in your face, hair and house. Overnight their wings drop off and they head off in pairs to mate. I swept up quite a pile one morning just on my 3'x4' front porch. You end up tracking in the wings like you would leaves or pine needles. People eat the termites themselves. It is a good source of protein. They put buckets of water under lights and let them collect and die. Then they spread them out to dry. Another neighbor has a whole counter full drying (these are just the ones that got into her house). You fry them up and eat them. At our recent MCC meeting here in Macha we tried it out. We had smores for dessert but said no one could have chocolate until they tried out the inswa (the Tonga word). At first the boys balked, but once all the adults ate some (they taste like popcorn to me), and the 20 somethings teased them, they gathered their courage and tried them.

So, if you come to Macha this time of year for a visit, you too can give them a try!

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